When it comes to dressing a wedding venue, one of my pet hates is bad table linen, in particular, table linen that doesn’t reach the floor. It drives me mad! Let me explain…

Fit for a Wedding

Most wedding venues provide standard white table linen. It should fit the standard six foot catering table with enough length to reach the floor and cover the metal legs. Frequently though, cloths are either too short or even the wrong shape — square cloths on round tables is not a good look!

When you walk into the room where you will be having your wedding reception, first impressions count. One of the things that can spoil that impression is the sight of ugly metal table legs on show, which to me shows a lack of finesse.

Wedding Table with White Table Linen

Crease and Stain Free

Table linen should also be free from any stains and should always be ironed. If I see a cross shaped crease running across the table then it’s time to reach for two of the most important items in my kit bag; a good iron and an extension lead. For me, this attention to the finer details is what goes into the making of a great event rather than an average one.

Coloured Table Linen

On the whole, standard white table linen is fine. However, if you want to up the style stakes with more colour, there are plenty of companies out there that supply gorgeous quality fabrics, fabulous colours and beautiful designs that could really make a statement about the look of your wedding. Coloured linens are also a great way to co-ordinate a theme and can team superbly with invitations, menus and table plans.

Patterned Chocolate Brown Coloured Table Linen on Wedding Table

The addition of colour to a table can transform even the most uninspiring room. Without breaking the bank, it can look as though you’ve spent a fortune and create that necessary ‘wow’ factor.

So if your venue needs some oomph in the table linen department, for a flawless finish remember size, quality and style and you can’t go wrong.

Guest post by Lester Gethings

Images from…

Table with White Linen: Claire Basiuk Photography

Table with Patterned Chocolate Brown Table Linen: Amanda K Photography