Well, here it is, the big day. The time has come for you to stand in front of invited guests and pronounce your love. All eyes are on you, as you look at a room full of people who took time out of their lives to make sure they were in attendance. Your new spouse, the entire wedding party, your parents, your new in-laws, colleagues and maybe even clients wait with bated breath.

Holding standing ovation sign at end of wedding speech

This is your moment. It’s the moment you have been waiting for since your engagement day and you have thought about for your entire life. It’s the moment to prove to those closest to you that you are in an independent adult and that you are on course and in complete control. Of course, no one will be able to tell that while you look cool, calm, and collected you are actually a swan, graceful on the surface, but paddling your feet to stay afloat underneath.

Here’s what you’re facing; you have less than 10 minutes to deliver a wedding speech that makes a good first impression to half of the guests and a positive, lasting impression to everyone there. You have to be entertaining and sentimental without forgetting protocol or forgetting to express your appreciation. Don’t forget that this speech will outlive you because it will be recorded, shared, uploaded to YouTube and seen by people you don’t even know, for many years to come.

Oh, and you have to successfully do all this with only a few sips of alcohol to calm your nerves. Are you frightened yet? Fear not — read on for some tips to help you deal with your moment in the spotlight.

Quick Tips:

  • Be prepared. Know at what point during the reception you will have to give your speech. Be mindful of what time you start talking, and stay within the appropriate length of time. You want your wedding speech to be remembered for all the right reasons.
  • Go easy on the alcohol — you will have plenty of time after your speech to drink. Before your speech however, have one or two sips so that your speech isn’t slurred and your inhibitions aren’t lowered.
  • No matter how nice your hair looks that day, no one wants to stare at the top of your head. Remember to look at the audience when you are speaking to them.
  • Take your time and speak slowly and clearly so you can be understood by all. And remember, no time is the right time for inappropriate jokes.
  • Before your speech, make sure to check that the microphone is functioning.
  • Be yourself, and be relaxed.

Guest post by Carole Spiers, The Wedding Speech Expert

Image from Charlotte Leys Photography