Wedding Speeches

Very few people actually look forward to giving a wedding speech, but like it or not the wedding speeches are a tradition that's not going to go away any time soon. Our wedding speech tips will at least help you to make sure you are well prepared, with lots of advice on writing and delivering a memorable wedding speech, whether you're the groom, best man, father of the bride, or even the bride herself.

How to Overcome Wedding Speech Nerves

It’s never easy standing in front of a crowd, but if you have a fear of public speaking the thought of making a wedding speech could send you into a panic.

Gay Wedding Speeches

Gay Wedding Speeches

Although there’s no big difference in how to approach gay wedding speeches, that doesn’t mean the rest is easy.

Reducing Wedding Speech Stress

Reducing Wedding Speech Stress

Having to write a wedding speech may leave you feeling stressed — you want your speech to be remembered for all the right reasons!

Mother of the Bride Speech Tips

Mother of the Bride Speech Tips

These tips will help you give a memorable mother of the bride speech. How you apply them will depend on your reason for speaking in the first place.

Using Slides in a Wedding Speech

Using Slides in a Wedding Speech

Slides are a bit like a drug. Prescribed correctly and in small doses they can work miracles. Abused and, at best, they induce narcolepsy.

Early Wedding Speech Preparation Tips

Early Wedding Speech Preparation Tips

The worst speeches are written in a rush. Start your wedding speech preparation early to maximise your chances of hitting the ground running on the day itself.

Writing a Joint Best Man Speech

Writing a Joint Best Man Speech

Having two best men doesn’t necessarily make the speech any easier. Here’s how to make your joint best man speech one to remember for all the right reasons.

Best Man Speech Tips

Best Man Speech Tips

These best man speech tips will ensure you have the entire reception laughing hysterically, help you embarrass the groom, and impress those single bridesmaids.

Wedding Readings for Children

Wedding Readings for Children

One way to involve kids in your wedding is to ask them to do a reading. Here are some ideas for religious and non-religious wedding readings for children.

Civil Partnership Speeches

Civil Partnership Speeches

With civil partnership speeches it’s up to you and your partner to decide if one or both of you will speak, and the order of the speeches.

Father of the Bride Speech Tips

Father of the Bride Speech Tips

These tips should help you create a cracking father of the bride speech and ensure you have a proud and happy daughter at the end of it.

Making Your Wedding Speech Original

Making Your Wedding Speech Original

There’s no formula for an original wedding speech. But combine a relevant approach with an original way of communicating the message and you are on track.

Keeping Your Wedding Speech Relevant

Keeping Your Wedding Speech Relevant

If a wedding speech isn’t relevant it is highly likely to fail; audiences have short attention spans. You need to engage their interest from the start.

The Role of the Master of Ceremonies

The Role of the Master of Ceremonies

The role of Master of Ceremonies at a wedding is simple. It requires you to make a few announcements loudly and clearly as the day progresses.

Who to Thank in Your Wedding Speech

Who to Thank in Your Wedding Speech

Every speaker at a wedding will have people to thank, but who should the father of the bride, groom and best man thank in their wedding speeches?