What did we ever do without Pinterest? That’s what many of us industry types say, but it’s not everyone’s new-ish best friend. Pinterest is sometimes overwhelming, so here are my top Pinterest wedding planning tips to help you get the best out of it.

Getting Set Up On Pinterest

If you’re not a regular Pinner it’s easy to create an account. However, be careful if you don’t want others to see your Pinterest wedding thoughts. If this is the case then I’d suggest you create secret boards. Secret boards are useful for sharing what’s in your head with wedding suppliers. You control who collaborates on the board with you. To create a Secret Board simply select yes on the option when you add a board.

How to Set a Pinterest Secret Board

One of my favourite florists always produces a Pinterest board for each wedding we work on. It’s a great way to start the process and show ideas from the outset. We can also pin comments and feedback on images, which is useful as we narrow down the choices. Just be aware that to collaborate on a secret board you need to follow each other on Pinterest.

Don’t Worry If It’s Random

Most people get the Pinterest bug and then worry they are pinning far too much and it’s all rather random. This does happen, but over time themes and strands of continuity do occur. To my eye, I can see quite quickly which ideas keep cropping up. I therefore pursue those, not every single idea on a board.

Pinterest Wedding Idea Pins

Also, don’t pin everything all in one sitting as your mood will affect your choices. Revisit your board every so often and let the creative process develop organically.

Don’t Take It Too Literally

One downside to Pinterest wedding planning is that it’s not always easy to translate a board into reality. This is particularly true when budget factors intervene. Even if cost is not the issue, sometimes images rely on other factors. For example, different seasons, climates and parts of the world, with different logistical considerations.

Pinterest Wedding Idea Pins

Also be mindful that many images are from styled wedding shoots. These images aren’t always applicable to a real life wedding event with real life guests.

Finally, take advice from professionals who are experts at interpreting a Pinterest wedding board. They can create good, real representations of what you have produced on Pinterest.

Happy Pinning!

Also check out my tips on Using Instagram for Wedding Ideas.

Guest post by Kelly Chandler