With your wedding day approaching everybody wants to help and be involved. Whilst it is important to remember it is your special day, there are several wedding day tasks you can delegate to involve your family and friends.

Woman Sitting on Bed Writing

Tasks You Can Delegate

  1. Invite a close member of your family or a special aunt etc to be your witness. You will need two so you can have one from each side.
  2. If you are having a guest book, appoint someone to look after it and return it to you at the end of the day/evening or keep it safe for the next day.
  3. If you are having an introduction or reading at the ceremony, choose someone close to you as this is a key moment.
  4. Often forgotten are the men. Ask a few to be ushers, assisting with the ceremony seating and handing out the order of service.
  5. Another helpful job is making sure guests know where they are going and helping with the parking.
  6. Pick a key player to help your wedding photographer. Your photographer will not know who is who on your pre-written list so choose someone that does to help them.
  7. Make sure any flowers that need transporting or moving are looked after and the transport is big enough for them… Another one for the lads perhaps (with a girlie to oversee but not carry)?
  8. If you are having cameras on the tables at your reception, the collection of these cameras at the end of the day along with cards and presents is a good one to entrust a family member with.
  9. Getting your in-laws involved can often be overlooked. You could ask your mother-in-law to ensure the confetti is organised and given out. It’s a small job but essential for that all important confetti photograph.
  10. Hire a wedding planner or on the day coordinator then you can delegate all jobs and sit back, relax and enjoy.

Guest post by Julie Tooby

Image from Unsplash