Your cake tasting is arguably the most fun wedding appointment you’ll have. Well, apart from choosing your dress, but then again, you can’t eat a wedding dress!

As lovely as it is to sit around and eat cake, you still have an important decision to make. There are several different things to factor into choosing your wedding cake: the flavour, the design, the universal appeal. So who do you take with you to your wedding cake tasting to consult with on that all-important question: which one is the one? Well, it depends on your priorities. Here are some suggestions.

Marilyn Wedding Cake with Lace Detail by GC Couture

For the Taste: The Foodie Friend

You didn’t know that mouthfeel was a thing until you met this friend. They always seem to know about the hottest new restaurants, they’re willing to try absolutely anything, and they just ‘get’ food in a way that most people don’t.

If you want to pick out the best flavour, your foodie friend is the one to bring along. Just bear in mind that their tastes may be a bit niche, so get a second opinion if you’re not sure about what they’ve recommended.

For the Look: The Arty Friend

If you know what tastes good but the words ‘wedding décor’ have you scrunching up your face in confusion, then a more artistic pal is the way to go. While a great cake designer should be able to help you choose something incredible, your friend might have a better overview of your wedding plans.

Meet up with them beforehand and show them pictures of things you like, such as a colour scheme or overall mood board. They can then help you choose a design that fits in with your wedding theme.

For the Heart: Your Other Half

For a cake you both adore, bring your other half with you to your wedding cake tasting. You may not end up with a look or taste that everyone else will agree on, but you’ll pick something you both really want. It’s your wedding day after all, so don’t shy away from embracing your personal tastes as a couple. It’s also a lovely way to bond and have fun in the run up to your wedding.

For Popularity: A Small Committee

While we’re not suggesting you bring your entire guest list to taste the wedding cake before the big day, pick two or three trusted friends (preferably people with very different tastes). If they reach a consensus, despite having wildly different world views, then you can think of them as a small sampling of your wedding guests and take that to mean that everyone will like what you’ve picked.

And to Make Things Less Confusing: Yourself

If you’re the kind of person whose instincts are usually spot on, then you don’t have to confuse things by bringing along anyone whose opinion might make you second guess yourself.

Trust your intuition, taste and style and go it alone. You can always take a few samples of your chosen flavour home and enjoy it with others later.

Whoever you choose, make sure that your wedding cake tastes as good as it looks, looks as good as it tastes, and that it’s something you’d be proud to serve your friends and family.

It’s also important to have a good time while planning your wedding. So, whoever you bring with you, make sure it’s someone you can have a laugh with while they give you their honest opinion. Good luck!

Guest post by Marie Sinclair of GC Couture

Image of Marilyn Wedding Cake from GC Couture