One of my previous articles looked at how to organise a stress free hen party, but does a large group change things? If you have just invited the world and its mother to a hen party for your best friend and the list of invitees is vast and giving you the jitters, read on my friend. Take onboard some of these tips for organising a large hen party group and things should work out just fine.

Book Early

You may think that a hotel or airline would jump at the chance of taking a booking from a huge group; they should be grateful of your business and quite rightly. However, these days this isn’t the case.

Woman holding phone and using laptop

Most hotels and airlines set their prices using a supply and demand type basis, so the more demand there is for a specific weekend the higher the price will be. Therefore you’ll need to book early to get the first rooms or seats at their lowest price.

Be Assertive

Don’t try and please everyone — I promise you this, it just won’t work. If you tried to take on everyone’s opinion you will soon see how different people can be. With a big hen group you need to keep it simple and pleasing to the hen, because after all, it is her weekend.

Obviously you will have a forum of ideas, but you will need to be assertive and book something you know the hen will enjoy.

Don’t Be Foolish with Money

Keep to this rule of thumb and you will not stress out about money — only pay for people who have paid you or party members you trust. Do not pay for people you hardly know or trust, and be aware of cancellation charges. Most airlines, especially the low cost airlines, will not refund once booked.

If you book through a hen company then not only will a lot of the stress of organising the hen do be absorbed by the company, you can also get people to pay them directly as most companies will have an online payment facility.

You Don’t Have to Mother Everyone

You are taking grown adults on a hen party who have to look after themselves 365 days a year, so don’t think you have to mother them all weekend. Also, you don’t have to take responsibility for everything that happens. So, if the bar shuts early or a masseur doesn’t do the full 60 minutes massage, this is not your fault, so don’t allow it to ruin your weekend.

Share Information and Enjoy Your Weekend

You have paid just as much as everyone else, so you have every right to enjoy the weekend. So, my final tip before you go is to make sure everyone is sent out the full itinerary and details prior to going on the weekend. Don’t hog this information; share it with everyone so everybody in the group is fully aware of each detail. This will take the emphasis off of you on the weekend, and you won’t have to mother them (see tip 4).

Good luck!

Guest post by Marco Walker of Designaventure

Image from Pixabay