We are finding more and more food orientated hen party ideas springing up — after all, cooking and baking is the new Rock ‘n’ Roll! Get up with the trend and book yourself a cookery hen party activity to enjoy on your weekend.

Here are some food and cooking activity ideas for your hen party:

Pizza Making

Available at most popular hen party destinations, Pizza Making is a fantastic cookery hen party activity for everyone to get their teeth into (pardon the pun).


Create your very own culinary masterpiece on the finest thin piece of pizza dough. Enjoy a drink or two whilst your pizza bakes at 425°C, and at that heat it won’t be long until you are tucking into your very own tasty pizza creation.

Available Nationwide

Chocolate Making

I only know one person who doesn’t like chocolate (I know loads who don’t like sprouts), so Chocolate Making is going to be a winner with your hen party.


You will get gooey bowls of melted Belgian chocolate to smother over fudge, vanilla truffles and creamy praline. Bring a doggy bag.

Available in Birmingham, Bournemouth, Brighton, London and Manchester.

Sushi Making

Contrary to chocolate making, you may find that a few of the hen group may not like the idea of eating raw fish. But don’t worry, these guys will get raw pickled vegetables to wrap their sticky rice and seaweed around.


In this Sushi Making class for beginners you will also learn knife skills and how to make the perfect sushi dressing.

Available in London

Profiterole Making

The Great British Bake Off has made baking cool, and there is no better way to show off your baking skills than making profiteroles.


Pimp up your profiteroles and load your choux pastry with luscious fillings including strawberries and crème or butterscotch and white chocolate. Heaven.

Available in London

Sexy French Dessert Making

Get your hen group baking scrumptious, sexy desserts from recipes created by our friends from over the Channel.

French Dessert

Make incredible chocolate fondants, purr over a pear tatin, and sex it up over a strawberry mille-feuille (I know, I don’t even know what a mille-feuille is!). You then get to devour the lot. Totally awesome.

Available in London

Dainty Dessert Making

There is something about a miniature dessert. Is it the intense flavour or the thought that you can eat loads of them?

Mini Dessert

Create your very own diddy delicacies of cuteness before eating them like a ravenous bear.

Available in London

Guest post by Marco Walker of Designaventure

Images from Pixabay