Many brides want their wedding make-up to be very natural. I absolutely agree with this and I don’t feel you should be too far from how you normally look, just more of an enhanced you. False eyelashes are a great way of achieving a natural make-up look, and us girls love our lashes, right?

I would say that there are two main contenders for adding that little extra.

Individual False Lashes

Individual lashes have a root bulb area and three to four lashes coming out from that root. These lashes are placed to add extra volume and a little more length towards the edges. Cutting then gives more of a natural look, and once applied they won’t come off until you cleanse them off at night.

Lash Extensions

The other favourite of mine are lash extensions. These are individual lashes that are slightly thicker in diameter to a natural lash, and glued onto each lash you have. This means you can have up to 60-80 extra lashes added. It does also mean a 2.5 hour lie down in a salon, but this is a welcome rest the week of your wedding, believe me!

Lash extensions being applied

No Mascara Needed

The result is fabulous. You don’t wear any mascara with these false lashes, and there really is no need. Designed to last for up to four weeks, they will last you nicely into your honeymoon.

When I married I decided to go down the lash extension route. I absolutely loved the result, and even my dad noticed! I thought they may look unnatural, but the effect is very soft. It is wonderful to not have to wear any make-up, and to wake up looking and feeling good.

Alexis Daly's wedding day lash extensions

Having False Lashes Removed

The only downside to consider is that when the false lashes drop out over the course of the following weeks they will take your lash with them. Because of this I had them removed after two weeks. You can go to a salon for this, or if you are loving them you can have them filled back in again.

Would I do it again? Absolutely!

Guest post by Alexis Daly

Images from Especially Amy