Voyteck of Voyteck Photography jumping in front of bride and groom

Interview with: Voyteck

Company Name: Voyteck Photography

Location / Coverage: UK and International

How did your business get started and who works at Voyteck Photography?

I started my journey with photography in 2007 when I bought my first camera. I quickly got into it and started to upgrade my equipment, and before I knew it I was hooked! I did a year long course at London College of Communications where I became fascinated by studio photography, and soon after I did my first weddings in 2009; that was when I realised that that is what I wanted to be doing.

Voyteck Photography is a one man band, but I often work with my best friend, Ralph, who helps me when I need a second shooter.

Bride and groom with fake moustaches and bowler hats

Had you always wanted to be a photographer?

No. I discovered my passion for photography quite late, but it’s better late than never!

Can you remember how old you were when you took your first picture? What was it of?

My first photos were taken on a holiday where one of my friends had a digital SLR, and that was the time I realised there is a reason why people carry those big, heavy cameras, and why they spend so much money on them.

Bride getting ready

Which areas of the UK do you cover?

I’m based in Sutton, south London, and mainly cover Surrey, Kent, Sussex and Hampshire, but I love to see new places and I’m more than happy to travel anywhere.

Bride and groom with drinks in jam jars

What do you feel sets you apart from other wedding photographers?

I have a true passion for what I do and I feel very lucky to have a job that I love. I always give 100% at every wedding, as that is something I would expect from my wedding photographer. Every single one of my couples feel like they are my only clients.

Bride and groom kiss

How would you describe your photography style?

I would describe it as creative reportage. I try to blend in with the guests and stay on the side while capturing the moments. I think the very best photos are those natural emotions; they speak a thousand words!

Bridesmaids with coloured umbrellas

What packages do you offer and what are your rates?

My wedding prices can change due to different requirements, but the standard fee for all day coverage is £1050.

My basic package includes:

  • Full day of reportage coverage, from preparations to the first dance (plus fifteen minutes of boogying)
  • Personalised CD with high resolution, edited and print-ready images from the whole day.

You can find all the details about my prices here.

Wedding ring in mirror

What is the best thing about your job?

Pretty much everything! I get to meet a lot of people and travel to stunning places. My hobby is my work and lets me support my whole family. I create beautiful memories for one of the most important days in a couple’s lives. I could keep on adding more and more to this:) I feel very lucky to be a wedding photographer!

Brid holding yellow bouwuet Groom kissing bride on head

Do you have a specialist area of photography?

Weddings and events are definitely my specialist areas; I have tried quite a few different types but I feel like this is my strongest side. I like to photograph people when they are not aware of it — emotions, action shots — that is what really makes the best photos!

Bride and groom dance

Who/what are your influences?

A few years back I found an amazing motivational speech by Arnold Schwarzenegger, and since then I’ve had a lot of respect for him and his achievements. No matter what your goal is you have to work hard for it and the reward will come. I have worked very hard to be where I am now and I think he has helped me to get there.

Do you have a favourite picture that you have taken (If you can choose!)?

This one…

Bride and groom holding vintage cameras

What is your top tip for choosing a wedding photographer?

That’s a good one! A good wedding photographer (and there are quite few of them out there) obviously has to have the skill and the eye, but apart from that, they also have to be a nice person! You will be stuck with them for the whole day, so make sure you enjoy their company 🙂

Bride and groom sitting on grass

Random question… If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be and why?

Once again I would choose Arnie, so I could pick his brain on how to be even more successful.

Where can people find out more about Voyteck Photography?

You can visit my website www.london-weddingphotographer.com, and Voyteck is always up for a chat, so feel free to call me on 07878 304411, or email me at photo@voyteck.co.uk if you would like to chat about your big day!