Bride and bridesmaids on speed boat

Kay and Mark had their wedding ceremony outside overlooking Loch Lomond on a glorious sunny day, and Kay and her bridesmaids arrived at the wedding on a speed boat! They didn’t want to have a wedding style as such, so they just created a beautiful wedding that they call a ‘just us’ style! We adore the colours of this wedding; the mint and teal complement each other perfectly, and the abundance of hessian and lace work so well together. As Kay and Mark married in Scotland, they chose to include traditional Scottish flowers in their floral arrangements…

“I’m not sure how to describe our wedding style really, it was just… us! Our colours were pale mint green and teal, and we used a lot of hessian, brown paper, lace and fun patterns. Our flowers were very classic and Scottish — a mixture of ivory calla lilies, roses, thistle and pink heather, which we used in our bouquets, pew ends, centrepieces and table decorations.

“We had our wedding ceremony outside overlooking Loch Lomond, and we had our reception in the Lodge on Loch Lomond which has beautiful panoramic views over the loch. Our guest book was a beautiful leather bound teal engraved book bought online and we decorated the table with vases, a chalkboard and some flowers from my mum’s garden.

“Our minister was a very good family friend, and a friend of Mark’s did our wedding sermon. I was piped down the jetty by our bagpiper, and walked down the aisle with my mum and dad for the first part, and then they went ahead and I walked the rest by myself — I wanted it to reflect that I am equally both of theirs, but also independent.

“We named our tables after Scottish beaches we’d been to together, and our favours were little bags of marshmallows in funky patterned paper bags tied with different shades of ribbon — we also made a donation to a diabetes research charity that is close to our hearts.”

Wedding shoes on bridge

Wedding dress hanging in tree

Wedding flowers

Bride having eye make-up done

Bride and bridesmaids leaning on fence

Bride laughing reading letter

Bride getting ready for wedding

Bride putting veil on

Bride looking up

Detail on train of bride's wedding dress

Bride laughing

Bride with bridesmaids

Groomsmen in kilts walking across beach

Wedding seating on banks of Loch Lomond

Bride looking over shoulder

Bride and bridesmaids on speed boat

Bride and bridesmaids on speed boat

Bride on speed boat

Young pageboy in kilt

Flowers on wedding ceremony seat

Violinist and guitarist

Ushers handing out order of service

Bagpiper leading bride and father down jetty on Loch Lomond

Father waving with bride

Father walking bride down the aisle

Groom and best man looking to see bride walk down aisle

Groom waiting at altar for bride

Father walking bride down the aisle

Bride walking down the aisle

Wedding ceremony

Wedding ceremony at Loch Lomond

Singing during wedding ceremony

Bride and groom laughing

Groom saying wedding vows

Bride and groom exchange rings

Bride and groom kiss

Bride and groom signing register

Bride and groom walk down jetty at Loch Lomond

Bride and groom on speed boat

Bride and groom walking in woods

Bride and groom looking into each others eyes

Bride and groom

Wedding party on banks of Loch Lomond

Bridal party by Loch Lomond

Bagpiper leading wedding party to venue

Wedding guest book

Wedding reception in the Lodge at Loch Lomond

Wedding table name

Heart note on wedding table

Large bowl with flowers in for wedding table centrepiece

Laughing at wedding speech

Bride and groom cutting wedding cake

Bride and groom first dance

Detail on back of bride's dress

Dancing at wedding

Images © ES Photography and Social Media