Fish and chips at wedding - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Lis and Gareth’s wedding was a relaxed affair, as the couple wanted as little formality as possible. Following a church ceremony, their reception at Overton Village Hall included a fish and chip supper, and ice creams from a vintage ice cream van. In keeping with the relaxed vibe of the day, their photographer, Jonathan Bean Photography, was under strict instructions to “take some nice pictures and have some fun”.

“When we decided to get married we knew straight away we didn’t want a fuss, just to simply share our wedding day with close friends and family. We opted for a small, low-key, relaxed wedding, with as little formality as possible. The obvious choice was to come back to my home in the North West, to the tiny village church, and have our reception in the church hall. We wanted to keep everything local and avoid lots of travel breaking the day up. We didn’t see the need for lots of pomp and ceremony (or expense), so ended up creating a vintage style wedding, to give the feel of a village fête with a highland twist.

“It was really important for us to keep it a ‘family affair’, so the hall was decorated by my family and friends, with candles, flowers, bunting and fairy lights. My dad made the wedding cake and my mum decorated it, friends made traditional Scottish ‘tablet’ (a sugary, fudge-like confection), we used traditional Morecambe Rock for favours, our friend and local caterer provided fish and chip suppers (from his van to the table, out of the paper) and we had local beer for the wedding ‘tea’. The local vintage ice cream van Every Day is Like Sundae provided the dessert, transport was courtesy of The Morecambe Heritage Bus and Sam Fitton, a local magician, and a local swing band provided the entertainment.

“Of course our (local) ace photographer Johnny Bean mingled unobtrusively with guests and took some amazing photos.”

Wedding arrow sign - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Rose wedding bouquet - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Vintage bride - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Groom smiling - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Wrist corsage being done up - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Rose wrist corsage - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Black and white picture of a Scottish piper - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bagpipe player - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bagpipes - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Scottish legs - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride on back of red bus - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride hanging off back of red bus - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Father walking bride to church - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and father - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and father entering church - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Wedding order of service - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and groom standing at altar - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and groom during wedding ceremony - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and groom saying wedding vows - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Wedding guest in church - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and groom exchanging wedding rings - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Tearful wedding guest - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and groom leaving wedding ceremony - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and groom being showered in confetti - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Groom with parents - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and groom posing - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and groom under umbrella - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and groom in church doorway - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and groom with arms around each other - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and groom hanging off back of red bus - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Champagne in ice bucket - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Wedding food - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Mr and Mrs bunting - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Stick of rock wedding favour - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Vintage wedding tags - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Vintage wedding luggage tags - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Wedding tags - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Wedding cake - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Beer pumps - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride serving groom a pint of beer - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride pulling pint - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Wedding magician - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Playing card with writing on - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Bride and groom standing by vintage ice cream van - Picture by Jonathan Bean Photography

Images © Jonathan Bean Photography