Groom kissing bride on head

This week’s real wedding pictures, taken by Lexia Frank Photography, are from the real wedding of Dana and Timo. Their wedding took place at W Retreat and Spa on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico, where they were married in a beachside ceremony on a cliff overlooking the sea, before enjoying an intimate reception on the beach…

“Both Germans living in New York, we planned our beautiful destination wedding on the tiny island of Vieques, off the coast of Puerto Rico. The W Hotel, the only resort on the island, was the perfect location because it blended the soft pastel colours of the island with bright modern pops of colour. The interior of the ultra-modern hotel was designed by Patricia Urquiola, and was the perfect backdrop for our wedding.

“Our ceremony took place on the cliff overlooking the turquoise waters, and we had an intimate reception down on the private beach itself, with everyone barefoot and dipping their toes in the water while they ate. After dinner we celebrated with a live guitarist, a bonfire (with soft blankets and pillows to cuddle with), sparklers, and paper lanterns to end the night!”

Purple wedding stationery

Purple wedding stationery

Wedding dress Bridal bouquet

Bridal bouquet

Bridal shoes

Champagne Heart with wedding rings

Wedding dress hanging by door Bride having lip gloss applied

Bride looking over shoulder Bride

Bride Bride looking through net curtain

Bride and father

Personalised wedding book Suit jacket


Groom putting on shoes

Puerto Rico beach

Beach wedding ceremony seating

Flowers Beach wedding structure


Bride walking down aisle with father

Beach wedding ceremony

Groom saying wedding vows Bride saying wedding vows

Bride and groom kiss

Newly married bride and groom

Bridal party

W Retreat and Spa Bride and groom

Bride and groom about to kiss Bride and groom

Groom kissing bride on head

Pebbles on beach

Pebbles on beach Pebbles on beach

Bride and groom on rocks by sea

Bride and groom on rocks by sea Groom kissing bride on head

Beach Bride walking on beach

Beach Puerto Rico

Wedding table on beach Wedding table

Mr wedding chair Mrs wedding chair

Wedding table place

Flowers in pot Large leaves on wedding table

Bride and groom sitting at table on beach

Bride and groom on beach

Pillows on beach


W Resort Puerto Rico Palm tree

Bride laying on groom

Pots Fire and seating

Swimming pool W Resort Swimming pool

Bride and groom standing by door


Chair Large stone pot

Wall art

Wall art Ornaments on table

Swimming pool lit up at night

Wedding cake with purple detail

Wedding meal on beach at night Wedding food

Bride and groom dance on beach

Image © Lexia Frank Photography