And the winner is… Francis Burn Photography!

We now only have one place up for grabs in our 2021 Picture of the Year final next month, after you voted this cracking picture by Aidan of Francis Burn Photography our November Picture of the Month. The picture is from Bethany and Gary’s wedding at Le Petit Château, where Aidan took the couple into the gardens to make the most of the beautiful scenery and sunset. And, although they weren’t originally planned, the sparklers were the perfect addition to this beautiful moment…

Bride and groom kissing holding sparklers - Picture by Francis Burn Photography

Golden Hour

“On Monday September 27th 2021, Bethany and Gary tied the knot at the stunning Le Petite Château, Northumberland. The day was relaxed and fun, with lots of opportunity to get beautiful photos. The wedding evening was topped off with surprise singing waiters, making the shocked guests dream subjects for shooting!

“The venue is well known for the staple photos each photographer is guaranteed to take there; often the reason a bride may pick this particular venue. Alongside these usual stunning photo opportunities, I wanted to give the couple something different.

“I was grateful to have a couple happy to take direction and allow me to position them, knowing what works. Beth and Gary had trust in what I could produce and, desperate to make the most of golden hour, I led the stunning couple deep into the gardens and took advantage of the clouds starting to part just as the sun was setting.

“The sparklers weren’t part of the plan, but I often carry them waiting for the perfect opportunity. I love the fun they add to an intimate moment, and if I can use them, I definitely will.

“I love how the image turned out and it was definitely a favourite from the day! A perfect mix of a willing couple and a beautiful venue is always guaranteed to produce the most beautiful images. More photographs from Le Petite Château can be viewed on my website.”

To see more of Francis Burn Photography’s work visit