And the winner is… Lorenzo Photography!

Reflection of groom kissing bride's cheek in car rear view mirror - Picture by Lorenzo Photography

Our congratulations go to Lorenzo Photography, after this stunning picture received the most votes in our May 2014 Picture of the Day competition. Lorenzo Photography now becomes the fifth finalist go through to our Picture of the Year vote in January, and a delighted Lorenzo told us how, where and when this picture was taken…

“I’ll always remember this French wedding as one of the hottest, most humid wedding days I’ve ever photographed! The couple, Danielle and Marc, had contacted me a year before to discuss their summer wedding at Danielle’s father’s Chateau in Arçonnay. I jumped at the opportunity as this would be my second overseas wedding, following another the previous year in Rye, in the suburbs of New York. 12 months flew and I found myself travelling on the Eurostar via Paris and Le Mans to Arçonnay, the night before the wedding.

“The wedding ceremony was held at the magnificent Eglise St Leonard, a beautiful church in Alençon, and a welcome refuge from the sweltering Normandy sunshine outside! After the ceremony the couple were to ride back to the Chateau in the back of a pristine white Panther Lima open topped sports car; very beautiful but not the most practical wedding car! To make room for the bride’s dress we had to push the front seats fully forward, leaving barely any room for me, two Nikon D3s’s and a kit bag. I literally had my knees under my chin and was very firmly wedged in.

“I couldn’t turn to take photos of the newly wed couple as we sped through Alençon, so I asked the driver if I could borrow his rear view mirror. I’m not sure if he quite understood me, but I twisted it towards me anyway until I had Danielle and Marc in frame. It was not the easiest shot to take in a moving sports car with bumpy suspension, but being firmly stuck in the front seat probably helped! When I viewed the results back in London I was really pleased — a little contemporary twist on that Elliott Erwitt classic.”

To see more of Lorenzio Photography’s work visit